READ THROUGH ALL OF THIS! The web port on the talker code (port offset as WWW_OFFSET) has developed dramatically recently. For the longest time (since i got the iforms code), it had existed as a very cheesy way to get a list of who's online via the web. It didn't even work when i got the code. I fiddled with it and with time I got it to reasonably output the list, but it was still made wrong from the git-go. So now i decided to do it again. Now, it has the ability to function as a web server, accepting and handling requests as the HTTP standard dictates. It uses it's integration with the talker to provide to the web user real-time info, as it happens. Who listing, user list, user search, and specific user details (user pic, profile, homepage, email) It is STILL in development, but is meant to act as a normal web server does. It does take
methods GET and POST, although very simple right now. To get to the web port, with a browser, go to: http://your_host:web_port like The files regarding the web port lie in the webfiles/ directory They are these: webport.cfg: This file defines options to how the web port behaves, where the main HTML file exists, text colors, background colors, etc..Read the comments inside the file for more info. If you make changes to an option in this file while the talker is running, type .reinit to re-read the data. mimetype.cfg: Just like a normal web server config file, this file defines which file types the web server can generate to web browsers, and contains the codes necessary to do this. Format is: <...> index.html: The normal main index HTML file, as referenced from webport.cfg. This is a template and can be changed the way you want. header.html: The header HTML file, as referenced from webport.cfg. This file will be catted to the web page BEFORE any real-time talker info is shown. Use this space if you want specific HTML to be shown first for any page the webport generates. footer.html: The footer HTML file, as referenced from webport.cfg. This file will be catted to the web page AFTER any real-time talker info is shown. Use this space if you want specific HTML to be shown at the end of any page the webport generates. logo.gif: Just an image file containging the logo of the talker. In the templates it is called from header.html and index.html. If you change the name of this file, remember to change it in the HTML files, if you use it. pic.gif: A small image file put after a user's name to show that their profile contains a picture of themselves. You may replace this with any image you want, but DO NOT change the NAME of this file. userpics: A directory to place user pictures into if the user doesn't have their pic at a URL address that they can set with (.set picurl) If you use this for a user, .force (or have THEM .set) their picurl to http://your_host:webport/userpics/filename_of_picture Lastly, calling dynamic features from the web pages. Currently there are 2 features that allow the talker to generate real-time info for you. These are: _who and _users They are called in their simplest form with: http://your_host:webport/_feature _who gives you a table-oriented listing of who's online the talker. It also displays the time, Provides links to user info (via their name), and a telnet link to the talker itself (via hostname info gotten from the machine) _users gives you user listings and info. By itself, it generates a HTML page with an alphabetically categorized listing and a search form. From inside this page, it can then be called with an argument to get a more detailed listing or info. For example, to get a listing of all "C" users, it calls: http://your_host:webport/_users?search=C To get a listing of ALL users, it calls it without a search string: http://your_host:webport/_users?search= To get a listing/info for a specific user, it calls it with a user string: http://your_host:webport/_users?search=Cygnus Future plans are to implement more of these features. This includes being able to read help files from the talker, message boards, room listings and descriptions, and the sending/receiving of email. This is in theorey right now, so if you have ideas, or feel you want to contribute code-wise to this project (experienced coders only PLEASE), email me. -Cygnus Anthony J. Biacco